What is Feature Writing in Journalism?

AAFT India
3 min readJun 15, 2023



In the world of journalism, feature writing stands out as a distinct and captivating form of storytelling. Unlike news articles that focus on delivering facts and updates, feature writing delves deeper into a subject, offering a more in-depth exploration of people, places, events, or ideas. Let’s unravel the essence of feature writing and understand why it holds a special place in journalism. This is just a piece of writing, but to understand the core concepts of journalism, one should enrol in a journalism course.

Characteristics of Feature Writing

At its core, feature writing aims to engage and entertain readers by going beyond the surface level. It seeks to create an emotional connection and evoke a sense of curiosity, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. Whether it’s a human interest story, a travel narrative, or an insightful analysis, feature writing brings out the essence and human elements of a subject.

Narrative Style

One of the key characteristics of feature writing is its narrative style. Unlike the inverted pyramid structure commonly found in news articles, feature writing allows for a more flexible and creative approach. It often employs storytelling techniques, weaving together anecdotes, descriptions, and interviews to craft a compelling narrative that draws readers in. Writing a narrative and connecting with your audience are important elements that should not be compromised. You can learn this technique from any journalism college, as there are plenty of journalism colleges in India.

Topics: Wide Range

Feature articles can cover a wide range of topics. They can explore social issues, profiles of interesting individuals, cultural trends, historical events, or even scientific discoveries. The beauty of feature writing lies in its ability to find a unique angle or perspective on a subject, shed light on lesser-known aspects, or offer fresh insights.

In addition to storytelling, feature writing also emphasizes descriptive writing. Through vivid descriptions, sensory details, and carefully chosen language, feature writers paint a vivid picture that transports readers into the heart of the story. The goal is to create a sensory experience that allows readers to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the world being described.

Research to Legit Your Elements

Another important aspect of feature writing is the element of research. While it may involve interviews and firsthand experiences, it also requires background research to ensure accuracy and provide context. Feature writers dig deep, uncovering fascinating details, historical context, and expert opinions to enhance their storytelling and provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Feature Writing Encourages

Moreover, feature writing encourages creativity and originality. It offers writers the freedom to experiment with different writing styles, tones, and structures. From lyrical prose to punchy dialogue, feature writing embraces a variety of techniques to engage readers and keep them captivated from beginning to end.

Lastly, feature writing demands meticulous editing and revision. Writers often spend considerable time refining their work, ensuring that every word, sentence, and paragraph serves a purpose. Clarity, coherence, and a well-crafted structure are essential to delivering a seamless reading experience.


In conclusion, feature writing is a form of journalism that goes beyond the facts and seeks to engage, entertain, and inform readers on a deeper level. With its narrative style, descriptive language, and emphasis on research, feature writing offers a rich and immersive experience. It is a powerful tool for journalists to shed light on human stories, explore intriguing subjects, and captivate audiences with compelling narratives. As we know, this skill is taught in a journalism course, but there are also media courses that cover the topic of feature writing.



AAFT India

With over 30+ years of experience in the field of media and arts education, AAFT has established itself as a leader in the industry.